Let them know

Can you believe they are trying to build a Sun on Earth? – Director Mila Aung-Thwin was amazed when he first heard about ITER. He immediately felt the need to tell the story of the fusion quest and began to work on a documentary. Four years and four visits to the ITER...

The EUROfusion Plasma Exhaust Group (PEX) granted the funds to the Department of Surface Engineering and Optoelectronics of the Jožef Stefan Institute under the work package Plasma Facing Components (PFC)

The subject of the project titled “Upgrade of laboratory experimental system to study interaction of H or D atoms with liquid Sn or Sn/Li” is in the Liquid metals as PFCs section, and is focused on Sn and Sn/Li characterization. Experiments with liquid metal plasma...
EFPW 2015

EFPW 2015

The European Fusion Programme Workshop – EFPW 2015 was hosted by the Slovenian Fusion Association (SFA) and Jožef Stefan Institute in Bled, Slovenia, from 30th November till 2nd December. The topic of the Workshop addressed material development and components...